Online Banking
Bank account service

Bank account service

ARARATBANK offers account opening and closing services to legal entities. You can manage your accounts fast and efficiently as well as remit money on favorable terms.   


Account service fees
Type of Operation Fees
Account opening and closing Free
Opening and maintaining account for installation of a POS terminal and/or activation of a cash register machine to accept non-cash payments Free
Account maintenance for resident legal persons and private entrepreneurs (annual) AMD 5,000* for all accounts
Account maintenance for non-resident legal persons and private entrepreneurs (annual) AMD 10,000* for all accounts
Maintenance of unallocated metal accounts of natural and legal persons (annual) AMD 5,000*
Bank account maintenance fee for resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs with foreign participation (annual)

AMD 25,000* for all accounts

One-time fee for maintenance of a newly opened bank account or multiple accounts opened within the same day by account holders that are legal entities and private entrepreneurs AMD 5,000*
Issue of current statements and payment documents (upon completion of transaction) * Free
Technical account opening/closing Free
Technical account maintenance AMD 500* annually for resident legal persons and private entrepreneurs (per sub-account)
Entering cash into the account

AMD, Euro

USD (except for 5, 10, 20, 50 USD banknotes issued before 2004 and 100 USD banknotes issued before 2009)

RUB 0.5%
Other currency At the effective interest rate 
Minimum account balance
In AMD and other currencies 0.00
Cash disbursement from non-cash customer funds**
Cash withdrawal from funds received from transactions via POS terminals and/or cash register machines 0%
AMD 0.3%
USD 1%
EUR   1%
RUB 0%
British pound sterling (GBP), Swiss franc (CHF), Georgian lari (GEL), Canadian dollar (CAD), Australian dollar (AUD), UAE dirham (AED) At the effective interest rate set by the Dealing Center
AMD 0%
USD   1.5%
EUR 1.5%
RUB 1.5%
Issue of account statements, payment documents, other information (at customer’s request, per document) dated back for
Up to 1 month AMD 500***
1 - 6 months AMD 1,500***
6 months – 1 year AMD   2,000***
1 - 2 years AMD 3,000***
Over 2 years AMD 5,000***
Acceptance of powers of attorney provided by natural persons and private entrepreneurs upon the Bank’s approval AMD 3,000***
Issue of account statements at customer’s written request
To audit companies AMD 10,000***
Other persons 
Up to and including the 30th day after the date of account opening AMD 5,000***
Starting from the 30th day after the date of account opening AMD 3,000***
Issue of checkbooks
1 leaf AMD 600***
25 leaves AMD 2,000***
50 leaves AMD 3,000***
Checking and packaging of banknotes at customer’s request

0.1% of transaction amount,

AMD 3,000 min., AMD 20,000 max.

Transfers in AMD
Without opening an account  

0.1% of transaction amount, AMD 300 min., AMD 5,000 max.

Transfers from accounts based on payment orders submitted on paper (except for transfers from social package, family fund accounts, payment orders for transfers to the Bank's income account, periodical payment orders) AMD 200
Transfers from accounts based on payment orders submitted through remote account management systems Free
Property tax transfers based on payment orders submitted through remote account management systems AMD 100
Transfers in AMD within RA
Intrabank transfers submitted on paper by account holders that are natural persons holding  resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs AMD 200
Intrabank transfers between its own accounts submitted on paper by non-resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs holding resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs with foreign participation AMD 500
Intrabank transfers to third party accounts by non-resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs holding foreign resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs with foreign participation AMD 2,000
Outbound transfers (to other bank accounts) of natural persons holding  resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs, submitted on paper and through remote account management systems

0.1% of transaction amount, AMD 5,000 min., AMD 20,000 max.

Outbound transfers (to other bank accounts) of non-resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs holding resident legal entities and private entrepreneurs with foreign participation, submitted on paper and through remote account management systems

0.1% of transaction amount, AMD 10,000 min., AMD 20,000 max.

*The annual maintenance fee shall be charged upfront at the time of account opening. The annual account maintenance fee for each subsequent year shall be charged on the anniversary day of the account’s opening and for this to repeat each year the account remains open. In case of failure to pay the account maintenance fee or the absence of sufficient balance on the customer’s account, the account is to be closed. In case of opening an account in a different or the same currency or opening accounts within the same day (except for sub-accounts) for legal persons and private entrepreneurs, the maintenance fee is subject to a one-time charge at the time of opening the account/accounts.

**Not applied for amounts credited to bank and card accounts of individuals (except for private entrepreneurs) from interests accrued over the loan funds disbursed by ARARATBANK OJSC, term deposits and ARARATBANK OJSC bonds, as well as for cash withdrawal from social package and family fund accounts and unblocked accounts. 

***VAT included․

Required documents

Resident and non-resident legal entities established and/or operating in the territory of the Republic of Armenia․

  • Copy of Charter including amendments;
  • Copy of state registration certificate with inserts;
  • Copy of document certifying taxpayer identification number (TIN) where TIN is not indicated in the state registration certificate;
  • Copy of license (where a licensed activity is carried out);
  • Information on customer participants (founders). Where the customer is a limited liability company, a list of participants indicated in the appendix to the charter or in the insert(s) enclosed to the state registration certificate shall be provided. Where the customer is a joint stock company, a statement issued by shareholder registry keeper on shareholders who own 10% or more shall be provided.  Where the participant (founder, shareholder) is a non-resident natural person, the passport shall be translated into Armenian and certified by notary public unless a special RA passport, a residence card or an internationally recognized travel document issued by a competent authority is available;
  • Copies of documents certifying position of signatories. No grounding document shall be required where the mentioned persons are registered in the insert enclosed to the state registration certificate;   
  • Copies of passports and ID cards of signatories. Where the respective person is non-resident, the passport shall be translated into Armenian and certified by notary public unless a special RA passport, a residence card or an internationally recognized travel document issued by a competent authority is available.

Non-resident legal entities established and/or operating outside of the territory of the Republic of Armenia

  • Package of customer founding documents with original copies of translated materials into Armenian certified by notary public;
  • Original copies of translated into Armenian documents defining the customer’s legal status, verifying its state registration and registration in tax authorities certified by notary public;
  • Original copy of translated into Armenian license certified by notary public (where a licensed activity is carried out);
  • Information on customer participants (founders), original copies of documents certified by notary public.  Where the participant (founder) is a non-resident natural person, the passport shall be translated into Armenian and certified by notary public unless a special RA passport, a residence card or an internationally recognized travel document issued by a competent authority is available;
  • Copies of passports and/or ID cards of signatories. Where the respective person is non-resident, the passport shall be translated into Armenian and certified by notary public;
  • Power of attorney, signed and sealed with the company seal, shall be provided where account funds are managed by an authorized person.
Cash transactions
                                    Deposit cash to an account 
AMD, USD, Euro,  0%
RUB 0.5%
other foreign currency
by arrangement
                                 Deposit cash coin to an account
up to AMD 50 000 Free of charge
an amount exceeding AMD 50 000 1%
                   Paying cash out of non-cash funds of the customer**

AMD 0,3%
USD 1% 
Euro 1% 
RUB 0%
GBP,CHF,GEL,CAD,AUD,AED At the interest rate set on the daily basis
                 Exchange of old and damaged banknotes in AMD 
AMD Free of charge
USD 2%
Processing payments in cash without opening an account
Out of the bank system 
Up to AMD 50.000 AMD 200
Between AMD 50.001 and AMD 100.000 AMD 300
Between 100.001 and AMD 500.000 AMD 500
 Between 500.001 and AMD 1.000.000 AMD 1,000
Between AMD 1.000.001 and AMD 5.000.000 AMD 1,500
AMD 5.000.001 and over AMD 3,000
Intrabank transfers in AMD without opening an account  0.1% of the transaction amount, min. AMD 200, max. AMD 3,000
Intrabank transfers in foreign currency without opening an account   0.1% of the transaction amount, min. AMD 300, max. AMD 3,000 
Payment for technical supervision coupon (environmental, state duty, technical supervision) AMD 1.200*** 

* VAT included.

**Clause 2.2 of the present section shall not apply to bank physical entities’ (except for individual entrepreneurs)accounts, amounts credited from credit funds.

***In case of payment of property tax, extra AMD 200 shall be charged.

Important to know
  • If the required documents are sent abroad, postage costs shall be additionally charged from the accountholder.                                                                        
  • Transfers shall be made within one banking day. 
  • If the transferred amounts are already paid to the beneficiary or beneficiary bank, the bank shall not be held liable for return of amounts.                               
  • Bank expenses regarding return of the transferred amount shall be incurred by the customer, if the process of returning money was due to the customer having provided inaccurate details.  

You have the right to communicate with a financial institution of your choice by post or e-mail. Receiving information electronically is the most convenient option. It is available 24/7, free from the risks of loss of paper information and ensures privacy.

The bank may request additional documents or other information based on the "Know your customer" principle, as well as ask additional questions during oral communication, for the purpose of due diligence of the customer defined by the RA Law "On Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing". 

In accordance with the agreement signed with the USA based on the Compliance Act (FATCA), the financial organization may collect additional information to determine whether you are a US taxpayer.

Page updated 26.12.2024 | 21:40

In case of discrepancy between Armenian and English versions of the information, the priority is given to the Armenian version.