Online Banking
“Term” deposit

“Term” deposit

We offer our options for placing term deposits to every legal entity.

  • Currency


  • Period

    45-730 days

  • Max percentage

    AMD -10.25%, USD - 4.5%, Euro - 2.6%

Deposit type Term
Deposit minimum amount AMD 100․000, USD 200 , Euro 200 
Method of interest payment Monthly  
Currency AMD USD Euro
45-90 days Annual interest rate 5.5% 0.5% 0.25%
Annual interest yield 5․6% 0.5% 0.25%
91-180 days Annual interest rate 6․5% 1.5% 0․75%
Annual interest yield 6․68% 1.51% 0․75%

181-270 days


Annual interest rate 7․5% 2.25% 1.25%
Annual interest yield 7․75% 2.27% 1.26%
271-365 days Annual interest rate 8.5% 3.25% 1․75%
Annual interest yield 8․84% 3.3% 1․76%
366-545 days Annual interest rate 10% 4.25% 2.5%
Annual interest yield 10․47% 4.33% 2.53%
546-730 days Annual interest rate


4.5% 2.6%
Annual interest yield


4.59% 2.63%

Attention: Interests on the funds available in your account shall accrue based on nominal interest rate, while the annual interest yield shows the amount of income to be received by the depositor after they make deposit-related required payments and receive the earned interests in the prescribed manner. Follow this link to learn about the calculation procedure of the annual percentage yield.

Required documents
  • Pasport or ID card
Important to know

- Where the depositor claims the deposit amount or a part thereof earlier than stipulated by the agreement, an interest rate of 0.01% (zero point zero one) shall be accrued annually. As for the interests paid in excess thereof, shall be withheld from the deposit amount payable to the depositor.  

-Accrued interests shall not accrue on the deposit amount. 

Where the DEPOSITOR fails to receive the interest within the period provided for by agreement, the BANK shall transfer the interest to the bank account opened in the name of the DEPSITOR in the BANK, where the interest shall accrue at the rates applicable in the BANK.   


The bank may request additional documents or other information based on the "Know your customer" principle, as well as ask additional questions during oral communication, for the purpose of due diligence of the customer defined by the RA Law "On Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing". 

In accordance with the agreement signed with the USA based on the Compliance Act (FATCA), the financial organization may collect additional information to determine whether you are a US taxpayer.

Deposit amount


Annual interest rate

All fields are required to be filled out and must not contain 0.

0 դր.

Interest calculated on a daily basis (In case of accumulative deposit, the calculation is made on the sum of the final deposit)

0 դր.

Total interest income calculated on the date of the deposit agreement

0 դր.

Net interest income actually paid to depositor during the deposit contract (10% of income tax deducted)

Note: Your interest rate is 10% of income tax.

Page updated 14.05.2024 | 21:26

In case of discrepancy between Armenian and English versions of the information, the priority is given to the Armenian version.