Online Banking
Real estate acquisition with undocumented income analysis

Real estate acquisition with undocumented income analysis

The bank offers mortgage loans for the purchase of residential and non-residential real estate with an analysis of undocumented income.
Terms of provision (residential real estate)
Borrower Natural persons aged at least 25.
Borrower age shall not exceed 70 at the loan maturity date.
Co-borrower* Natural persons aged at least 25.
Borrower age shall not exceed 70 at the loan maturity date.
Loan purpose Purchase of residential real estate
Loan currency AMD
Minimum loan amount AMD 5,000,000
Maximum loan amount AMD 100,000,000 
Collateral Purchased property appraised at market value
LTV ratio Up to 50%
Down payment Under the Procedure for Providing Mortgage Loans (in the amount of difference between property purchase price and loan amount)
Mode of disbursement Non-cash; transferred to the seller's account with down payment
Tenure 60-300 months
Annual nominal interest rate** (applied to the loan balance) AMD – fixed - up to 36 months – 14%; starting from 37th month,  the fixed interest rate shall be subject to adjustment based on interest rate calculated by arithmetic average of the last 3 months (preceding the date of fixed interest rate adjustment) of monthly interest rates published by CBA (source: www.cba.am) for deposits attracted by Commercial banks in AMD with maturity of up to 1 year (excluding demand deposits) + 6.5% (hereinafter the Main Indicator). Where the Main Indicator is non-applicable, the yield curve interest rate before redemption of one-year maturity RA Government coupon bonds + 6.5% shall be used as the secondary indicator (hereinafter the Secondary Indicator).
Annual interest rate 14.36% - 16.18%
Loan repayment By  annuity or equal principal amortization
Principal and interest repayment Monthly
Penal charges for late principal and/or interest repayment 0.13% per day
Simultaneous requirements to borrower, co-borrower and guarantor credit history Credit risk class of current liabilities shall be standard.
Total number of days overdue within 24 months before filing the loan application shall not exceed 30 days.
Creditworthiness assessment Total amount of all current loan obligations of the Borrower (excluding the obligations secured by other real estate, gold, vehicle, funds) and the loan amount may not exceed the LTV ratio determined for the loan +10% of the appraised market value of the pledged property.
Application processing fee AMD 10,000
Loan origination and servicing one-time fee 1% of the loan amount, AMD 250,000 max.
Insurance Not required
Early repayment charge Not applied

* The Co-borrower must be a Borrower’s family member. Family members shall include father, mother, spouse, spouse’s parents, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, children, sister's or brother's husband and children.

** The annual loan interest rate shall be adjusted on the first working day of the 37th month, while further adjustments shall be made on the 5th working day of April and October of each year. The adjustment of the annual interest rate on the 1st working day of the 37th month shall be based on the Main Indicator (or Secondary Indicator as applicable) calculated as of the 5th working day of April or October (whichever is earlier) preceding the 1st working day of the 37th month. The adjusted annual loan interest rate may not be less or exceed the annual interest rate for the first year by more than 8 (eight) percentage points.


Terms of provision (non residential real estate)
Borrower Natural persons aged at least 25.
Borrower age shall not exceed 70 at the loan maturity date.
Co-borrower * Natural persons aged at least 25.
Borrower age shall not exceed 70 at the loan maturity date.
Guarantor Natural persons aged at least 25, whose age shall not exceed 70 at the loan maturity date or legal entities registered in RA.
Loan purpose Purchase of non-residential real estate (excluding industrial buildings and land plots)
Loan currency USD
Minimum loan amount USD 10,000 
AMD 5,000,000 
Maximum loan amount USD 250,000 
AMD 100,000,000 
Collateral Purchased property appraised at market value
LTV ratio Up to 50%
Mode of disbursement Non-cash; transferred to the seller's account with down payment
Tenure 60 - 180 months
Annual nominal interest rate** (applied to the loan balance)

AMD – fixed - up to 36 months – 14%; starting from 37th month,  the fixed interest rate shall be subject to adjustment based on interest rate calculated by arithmetic average of the last 3 months (preceding the date of fixed interest rate adjustment) of monthly interest rates published by the CBA (source: www.cba.am) for deposits attracted by Commercial banks in AMD with maturity of up to 1 year (excluding demand deposits) + 6.5% (hereinafter the Main Indicator). Where the Main Indicator is non-applicable, the yield curve interest rate before redemption of one-year maturity RA Government coupon bonds + 6.5% shall be used as the secondary indicator (hereinafter the Secondary Indicator).
USD – fixed - up to 36 months - 10%; starting from 37th month, the fixed interest rate shall be subject to adjustment based on interest rate calculated by arithmetic average of the last 3 months (preceding the date of fixed interest rate adjustment) of monthly interest rates published by the Central Bank of Armenia (source: www.cba.am) for deposits attracted by Commercial banks in USD with maturity of up to 1 year (excluding demand deposits) + 7.5% (hereinafter the Main Indicator). Where the Main Indicator is non-applicable, the CME Term SOFR (six-month) interest rate + 7.5% (source: www.cmegroup.com) shall be used as the secondary indicator (hereinafter the Secondary Indicator).

Annual interest rate AMD 15 % - 16.18%
USD 10.53 % - 11.8%
Loan repayment By  annuity or equal principal amortization
Principal and interest repayment Monthly
Penal charges for late principal and/or interest repayment 0.13% per day
Simultaneous requirements to borrower, co-borrower and guarantor credit history Credit risk class of current liabilities shall be standard.
Total number of days overdue within 24 months before filing the loan application shall not exceed 30 days
Creditworthiness assessment Total amount of all current loan obligations of the Borrower (excluding the obligations secured by other real estate, gold, vehicle, funds) and the loan amount may not exceed the LTV ratio determined for the loan +10% of the appraised market value of the pledged property.
Application processing fee AMD 10,000
Loan origination and servicing one-time fee 1% of the loan amount, AMD 250,000 max.
Insurance Not required
Early repayment charge Not applied

* The Co-borrower must be a Borrower’s family member. Family members shall include father, mother, spouse, spouse’s parents, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, children, sister's or brother's husband and children.

** The annual loan interest rate shall be adjusted on the 1st working day of the 37th month, while further adjustments shall be made on the 5th working day of April and October of each year. The adjustment of the annual interest rate on the 1st working day of the 37th month shall be based on the Main Indicator (or Secondary Indicator as applicable) calculated as of the 5th working day of April or October (whichever is earlier) preceding the 1st working day of the 37th month. The adjusted annual loan interest rate may not be less or exceed the annual interest rate for the first year by more than 8 (eight) percentage points.


Required documents

Preliminary documents


  • Copies of passport and social security card, along with the originals
  • Copy of marriage (divorce, death) certificate
  • Copies of passports, social security cards and birth certificates of family members, potential co-borrowers
  • Certificate from the actual place of residence
  • Reference on the individual account of the tax inspectorate*
  • Copy(s) of the certificate(s) of ownership of the property that is the personal property of the buyer and the alleged co-borrowers (if any)
  • Other documents upon request of the bank's loan specialist.


Documents required for loan approval


  • Real estate valuation report
  • Other documents upon request of the bank's loan specialist


  • Reference from the State Committee for Real Estate Cadastre on the burden of property obligations (Unified reference)
  • Other documents at the request of the Bank's loan specialist

*The document is submitted at the request of the specialist as necessary.

Useful information
  • The maximum period for making a decision on a loan application is 7 business days.
  • The period for informing about the decision on a loan application is 1 business day.
  • After the decision is made, the maximum period for collecting the necessary documents and providing the loan is set at 15 days. In case the loan is not provided within the specified period, the decision of the authorized body is considered invalid and, in case of revision, is submitted for repeated consideration by the authorized body.
  • The creditworthiness analysis is carried out in accordance with the “Procedure for Providing Mortgage Loans”.


Applications are subject to approval if:

  1. The client submits the loan application and the necessary documents in full.
  2. The credit risk class for current liabilities must be standard. The total number of days overdue for liabilities during the 12 months preceding the submission of the loan application must not exceed 30 days.
  3. The total of all current credit obligations of the borrower, including guarantees provided (except for obligations secured by other real estate, gold, cars, cash) and the overdraft provided cannot exceed the established loan/collateral ratio for the given geography + 10% of the estimated liquid value of the collateralized property.
  4. The estimated value of the collateral or collaterals meets the requirements.
  5. The authorized body with the authority to make decisions on loan applications at the bank has approved the customer's loan application.

Applications are subject to rejection if:

  • The client has not submitted the necessary documents for obtaining a loan.
  • As a result of the inquiry into the credit register of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia, the Potential Borrower and/or the Potential Co-Borrower had a classified obligation and/or had a total delay of at least 30 days of overdue days during the last 24 months preceding the inquiry.
  • In cases where the estimated value of the Collateral or Collateral is insufficient.
  • In case of submission of false documents and/or information by the Borrower and Co-Borrower.
  • The presence of grounds for rejection of the application in the credit history database, which has not been eliminated.
  • The authorized body with the authority to make decisions on loan applications at the Bank did not satisfy the client's loan application.
  • The loan application was approved, but the client did not appear or did not submit the required documents within 15 days of approval.

In the event of overdue obligations being fulfilled, repayments are made in the following order:

  • Penalties and fines (if any)
  • Interest amounts
  • Principal amount.
Important to know

Your property (house, vehicle, or other) may be confiscated in the manner provided for by law where you fail to repay your interests and principal in time.

Where you fail to perform your loan obligations, the loan security, as well as another property of the borrower if the former is insufficient, may be seized and sold in a court or out-of-court procedure both through direct sale and public auction.

Where you fail to perform your obligations either fully or partially, the Lender shall send those data to the credit bureau within a three-day period, where your credit history is generated. You shall have the right to obtain your credit history from the bureau free of charge. Attention: A bad credit history may hinder lending in the future.  

“Your financial directory” is an electronic system which facilitates the search and comparison of the services offered to individuals, and selection of the best options for you.

You have the right to communicate with a financial institution of your choice by post or e-mail. Receiving information electronically is the most convenient option. It is available 24/7, free from the risks of loss of paper information and ensures privacy.

The bank may request additional documents or other information based on the "Know your customer" principle, as well as ask additional questions during oral communication, for the purpose of due diligence of the customer defined by the RA Law "On Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing". .

In accordance with the agreement signed with the USA based on the Compliance Act (FATCA), the financial organization may collect additional information to determine whether you are a US taxpayer.

Information on credit history and credit summary (score)

Please follow the Armenian version

Loan/leasing amount


Annual interest rate

All fields are required to be filled out and must not contain 0.

Term Payable interest Partial repayment of the loan General payment
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
0 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.
General 0 դր. 0 դր. 0 դր.

Page updated 24.03.2025 | 19:15

In case of discrepancy between Armenian and English versions of the information, the priority is given to the Armenian version.